How to do the iodine test
Starch Test: Add Iodine-KI reagent to a solution or directly on a potato or other materials such as bread, crackers, or flour. A blue-black color results if starch is present. If starch amylose is not present, then the color will stay orange or yellow.
Starch Test: Add Iodine-KI reagent to a solution or directly on a potato or other materials such as bread, crackers, or flour. A blue-black color results if starch is present. If starch amylose is not present, then the color will stay orange or yellow.
A test for the presence of starch in which the sample turns blue-black in color when a few drops of potassium iodide solution is placed on the sample. The reaction is due to the formation of polyiodide chains from the reaction of starch and iodine.