Math, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

how to find square root of 10.4

Adwaith1rajmc276627: i think 3. 3something


Answered by ashu277
Step 1: 
 Divide the number (10.4) by 2 to get the first guess for the square root .
 First guess = 10.4/2 = 5.2.Step 2:
 Divide 10.4 by the previous result. d = 10.4/5.2 = 2.
 Average this value (d) with that of step 1: (2 + 5.2)/2 = 3.6 (new guess).
 Error = new guess - previous value = 5.2 - 3.6 = 1.6.
 1.6 > 0.001. As error > accuracy, we repeat this step again.Step 3:
 Divide 10.4 by the previous result. d = 10.4/3.6 = 2.8888888889.
 Average this value (d) with that of step 2: (2.8888888889 + 3.6)/2 = 3.2444444445(new guess).
 Error = new guess - previous value = 3.6 - 3.2444444445 = 0.3555555555.
 0.3555555555 > 0.001. As error > accuracy, we repeat this step again.Step 4:
 Divide 10.4 by the previous result. d = 10.4/3.2444444445 = 3.205479452.
 Average this value (d) with that of step 3: (3.205479452 + 3.2444444445)/2 =3.2249619483 (new guess).
 Error = new guess - previous value = 3.2444444445 - 3.2249619483 = 0.0194824962.
 0.0194824962 > 0.001. As error > accuracy, we repeat this step again.Step 5:
 Divide 10.4 by the previous result. d = 10.4/3.2249619483 = 3.2248442514.
 Average this value (d) with that of step 4: (3.2248442514 + 3.2249619483)/2 =3.2249030998 (new guess).
 Error = new guess - previous value = 3.2249619483 - 3.2249030998 = 0.0000588485.
 0.0000588485 <= 0.001. As error <= accuracy, we stop the iterations and use 3.2249030998 as the square root.

So, we can say that the square root of 10.4 is 3.2249 with an error smaller than 0.001 (in fact the error is 0.0000588485). this means that the first 4 decimal places are correct. Just to compare, the returned value by using the javascript function 'Math.sqrt(10.4)' is 3.22490309931942.

Anonymous: ok what is java script
Anonymous: function
Anonymous: anyways solution is nice and help me a lot
ashu277: okk
Anonymous: what is java script function
ashu277: i don't know i tell u later
Anonymous: ok
ashu277: my mama is not present
ashu277: i tell you later
priyansh01kp: guyz java script is a language used for devloping web pages along with css and html
Answered by KunwarAbhishekSingh


please mark me as the brainliest

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