How to find the diagonal of a square?
Diagonal of square
It is a segment that connects two opposite vertices of the square. As we have four vertices of a square, thus we can have two diagonals within a square. Diagonals of the square are always greater than its sides.
Below given are some important relation of diagonal of a square and other terms related to square
Step-by-step explanation:
Relation between Diagonal ‘d’ and side ‘a’ of a square–
Relation between Diagonal ‘d’ and Area ‘A’ of a Square-
d=2A−−−√Relation between Diagonal ‘d’ and Perimeter ‘P’ of a Square-
d=P22√Relation between Diagonal ‘d’ and Circumradius ‘R’ of a square:
d = 2RRelation between Diagonal ‘d’ and diameter of the Circumcircle:d=DcRelation between Diagonal ‘d’ and In-radius (r) of a circle-
d=22–√rRelation between Diagonal ‘d’ and diameter of the In-circle-
d=2–√DiRelation between diagonal and length of the segment l-