how to give our introduction to start a debate competition in the favour of internet
Answer:4 steps to start ur debate
Tell a captivating story: This can be a personal anecdote about why you are passionate about the topic, an anecdote about another person who the audience can learn from, a wisdom tale, fable, or a historic event or anecdote that captures the key points of your argument
Ask a rhetorical question: When rhetorical questions are crafted and delivered well, they can persuade an audience to side with your position. You want the audience to answer the question for themselves silently, while directing attention to your topic. Ask a question that convinces your audience that you are similar to them and that your share their beliefs
State a shocking statistic:Your statistic should be directly related to your argument's main purpose. The impact of the statistic can persuade your audience to side with your way of addressing the issue at hand
Use a powerful quote: Using quotes in a speech reinforces and adds credibility to your ideas. Quotes also demonstrate that your are knowledgable about the topic. Your quote should be related to the topic, and relevant to the audience. Also, try to quote well-known people, or people your audience knows
hope this helps u .try this for all ur debates.
all the very best