how to make crona vaccine?
Hey there, it is impossible for us to make vaccine for CORONA as we haven't got exact information about it. May the researchers make futher researches.
Is there any Vaccine for Corona-Virus?
→There is no Vaccine For Corona-Virus.
★However,We can Follow the Below Precautions to keep our Immune System Powered Up in-order to fight The Virus.
→The Precautions include:
•Eat Plenty Of Vitamin-C Related Foods, Eat Fruits and Veggies[Vegetables] rich in VITAMIN-C, this is Most likely to Boost the System and Produce More WBC which eliminate the Germs.
•Drink Plenty of Hot water, Drinking Hot Water or keeping our-selves Hydrated every 15 mins is Very important, A Recent Study Showed That the Virus Stays in Our Throat for about 4Days,And can be cleaned/eliminated by drinking hot water as the Virus cannot Undergo Hot temperature.
♦Other Important Precautions:-
→Washing Hands for about 20-Seconds,Washing Hands can eliminate germs in our hands and As it takes only little time[approx-20seconds].
→Using Hand Sanitizers Outside,When we are Outside we cant Use Soap/Hand Liquid And Water to Wash Hands,instead we can Use Sanitizers to Keep our hands clean Outside.
→Using Face-Masks,Anyway Using Mask arent A Very Useful method/way to Prevent Virus but can be Used to Prevent Respiratory Droplets of The infected ones from entering the Body.
→No Physical Contacts,Avoiding contacts of Hands or any body parts could Be Dangerous as We might not know who has the Virus and Who doesnt.
→Not touching Exterior Body Parts, A Study Shows the Virus can Enter from Eyes,Nose and Mainly the Mouth, So we must Not Touch this Parts Frequently and Must Wash our hands nicely for about 20-Seconds Before Touching.