How to make notes by reading the passage carefully
1 )Carefully read the passage.
2) Heading: Try to understand the main idea. Provide a heading based on the central idea and write it in the middle of the page.
Subheadings: Frame sub heading based on secondary ideas of the passage. Provide space suitably for subheading.
All subheadings should be written in equal distance.
Indenting: Provide same distance from the away from the margin. Help with abbreviations:
1) standard abbreviations and symbols should be used as far as possible:
a) Capitalize first letters of words:e.g. U.P.,U.S.A.,U.K.,U.S.S.R.,etc.
b) Use Common abbreviations:Sc. for science, Mr., Mrs., Dr., Govt., etc.
c) Common symbols.use common symbols e.g., : \, ∴ , +ve, -ve,
d)Measurements and Figures: 150′, 200”, 1000kg, 1000 mm, 100ml, etc. Making your own abbreviations: Maintaining the main sounds of the word. For example, edn. (education),
e) Retain the suffix so that later you may recall the full form of the word —e.g., ed’nal (educational), Caution.
f) Do not get over-enthusiastic about abbreviations. Do not abbreviate every word. One abbreviation in point is enough.
g) As a general rule, the heading must not be abbreviated.