how to Make perfume
Gather your materials. You'll need the following ingredients: ...
Pour 2 tbsp carrier oil into the glass bottle.
Add your essential oils. ...
Add the alcohol. ...
Allow the perfume to sit for at least 48 hours. ...
Add 2 tbsp bottled water. ...
Shake the bottle vigorously. ...
Transfer the perfume to another bottle.
hope this help's
Perfume Materials
Perfume consists of a mixture of essential oils in a base oil, together with alcohol and water.
1/2 ounce jojoba oil or sweet almond oil
2-1/2 ounces ethanol (e.g., vodka)
2 tablespoons spring water or distilled water (not tap water)
coffee filter
dark-colored glass bottle
25 drops essential oils (You can either buy them at a health store or online or distill your own.)
7 drops base note essential oils
7 drops middle note essential oils
6-7 drops top note essential oils
a couple of drops of bridge notes (optional)
The essential oils that you'll be using will form the basis of your perfume. These essential oils are called the "notes" of the perfume. Base notes are the part of the perfume that lasts the longest on the skin. The middle notes evaporate a little more quickly. The top notes are the most volatile and disperse the most quickly. Bridge notes have intermediate evaporation rates and serve to tie a scent together.