Math, asked by hogwartsraghav, 7 months ago

how to plot 1+root2 on number line


Answered by tshrpl

I'll write the steps here, you can follow them and construct on your own

(i) make a number line n with 1 unit = 1 cm

(ii) construct a perpendicular 1 cm line segment from the origin of n (direction doesn't matter, but I prefer upward). this line segment will be p

(iii) join the 1 cm mark on n and the end of p (1 cm). I'll call this new line L

length of L is \sqrt{2} . this can be proved using pythagorus theorem.

the triangle formed by the origin of n and L is a right triangle ...

(iv) measure L and cut a mark on n taking the 1 cm mark as origin. Label it as R

(v) write down this at the last:

R represents 1 + \sqrt{2} on n

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