Environmental Sciences, asked by akshat12, 1 year ago

how to prepare a science magazine on environment


Answered by Anonymous
first you should think about what is science really is
than start magazine name science , science in physics any one which comes in you mind
than start magazine telling about science and give neccesary information about the topic what going to write make a section for quetion or quiries and give colourful pictures and bold writing.

hope it helps you

Anonymous: plzzzzzzzzzzzzz mark as the best
Answered by sejjal
first think about what is interesting in science collect enough topics then matter and pics about them . desine a cover page related withthe topics u choose then the magzines name . write beatifully and try to high light important things . add interesting scince quiz, mcq , gussing games, etc. manage every page of ur magzine beutifuully and make it look attractive and full of pics and matter . amazement should be in ur magzine . at last u should add a authors page and in that describe ur expirience of making the magzine .

sejjal: hope this will help
sejjal: mark as best plzzzzzzzzzzz
sejjal: plz plz plz
sejjal: plzz mark as best
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