How to prove that earth is the unique plannet
Earth is a unique planet as it sustains life and there is availability of water and atmosphere.
Earth is extremely unique.
Earth has many things going for it, that other planets just don’t have. For one, it has large amounts of liquid water. This might not be too special, as Jupiter’s moon Europa also may have liquid water, but it is not certain. Other than maybe Europa, Earth is the only planet that currently has liquid water (planets like Mars used to have water). Also, Earth has a substantial amount of oxygen that allows it to support life, and it has the perfect amount for fires to burn. If there was too much oxygen, everyone would die of oxygen toxicity, and fires would burn like crazy.
So, Earth has already defied all odds and has liquid water and enough oxygen to support life (but not too much). Lets see what else Earth has to offer…
Earth has a thick atmosphere, which grants protection to Earth’s residents from harmful UV rays from the sun. It also is the perfect density that it doesn’t crush people, but it isn’t too thin so it allows people to breathe. Also, Earth has a powerful magnetic field that protects it from harmful solar wind and solar flares. The reason Mars is such a barren wasteland with a very thin atmosphere is because it doesn’t have a very strong magnetic field; over time, the Sun blew away its atmosphere. The magnetic field on Earth deflects most solar wind and solar flares, but some wind can get through and interact with the particles in the atmosphere. This is what creates Aurora Borealis, or the Northern lights.
Earth also is a good size to support life. If it was much smaller, it would lose its atmosphere like Mars or Mercury. An interesting aside: Earth is in fact quite small for a planet able to support life; slightly larger planets would actually be more likely to be habitable than ones of Earth’s size. That’s why astronomers often look for exoplanets larger than Earth, because they would more likely be able to support life.
Finally, Earth is the perfect distance from the sun. It is located in an area called the Goldilocks Zone, which is the distance from a star where liquid water is able to be sustained. If Earth were farther away, it would be too cold, and all the water would freeze, like the poles on Mars. If Earth were closer, the water would be boiled off.
In conclusion, Earth is unique because against all odds it manages to be the perfect distance from a star, it is a good size, it has a thick atmosphere, a strong magnetic field, an oxygen rich atmosphere, and it has large amounts of liquid water. All these factors combined allow Earth to be the only planet (that we know of) that is able to support complex life.