how to separate gravel,sand,sugar and iron filings
Use magnet to remove iron filings (magnetic attraction) *Add water to remaining sugar/sand to dissolve sugar (solubility of sugar). *Pour solution through filter to remove sand (solid). *Heat or allow water to evaporate to remove the water - sugar remains (solid).
To separate gravel, sand, sugar and iron filings, we need different techniques like we can Use a magnet to remove the iron, and then pour what is left into the water. The sugar should dissolve in the solution. now we will pour the solution through a sieve to remove the sand and gravel. A fine sieve can be used to separate the gravel and sand. Filteration will remove the sand and gravel. As gravels are heavy and can be remoived easily from the sand solution.
In this process, we have magnetic separation technique, filtration technique, distillation and solutbility technique used.