how to show this on number line...

hey mate here is your answer
I can only explain steps
1.Draw a line AB of length 9.3cm
2.Now extend AB to C where BC=1cm
3.Now to find the center of AC
a.Place needle point of compass on
A and take more than half of AC.
Now cut 2 arcs , one on the upper
side of AC and second on the lower
side of AC .
b.Do the same with placing needle at
c.Name the intersecting points of arc
X and Y.Now join the points where 2
arcs intersect.
d.Name the point where XY and AC
meet O. this is centre of AC. 4.Now draw a semi circle from O.
5.Now make a perpendicular on B with
the help of compass and scale.
6. Name the point where perpendicular
from B and semicircle meet D.
7.Take the measure of BD.
8.Now cut a arc from point B to AC of
measure BD and where the points
meet name the point E
9.BC if of the measure √9.3