English, asked by nishan9046, 11 months ago

how to write a speech for a iron businesses meeting as a dealer​


Answered by Zoha2007

you can write that particular kind of speech by including the following points

Know Your Audience

Hook Them In Right Away

Be Ready To Switch From A Sprint To A Marathon

Be Ready For Tough Questions

Come Up With Your Own Thought-Provoking Questions

Answered by kanchandhiman16june




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So it’s time to deliver a business speech in a room full of sharks in suits and you’re anxious to avoid giving them the sort of weak presentation that will cause them to rush you in corporate feeding frenzy.

Well worry no more.

With these five tips for preparing a business speech, you’ll have those managers eating out of the palm of your hand.


Know Your Audience

You don’t show a romantic comedy to people looking for an action movie.

And likewise, you don’t give the sort of speech in a manger’s meeting that isn’t what those tough decision makers are looking for.

So with this in mind, the first thing you want to do is figure out what your audience is going to want, what its concerns are, and what are they expecting out of you?

After you’ve done that, you want to fine tune the topic to precisely reflect the occasion. Thus, you’ll want to try and get in the heads of the audience by asking yourself what the current mood is? What subjects would you be better off avoiding? And what essentials should your speech include that will absolutely connect with your audience’s concerns?


Hook Them In Right Away

Just like with first impressions, the first 1-3 minutes of a speech will determine the audience’s interest level in what you’re saying. The key is then to frame the beginning of the speech in a way that captures their attention without immediately drilling them with your agenda. Thus, in the opening minutes of your speech, instead of bluntly diving right into policy, wrap your message in a story that will paint your audience a picture of what the theme will be.

Following this strategy will have the dual effect of softening your audience up while creatively letting them in on what your speech is going to be about.


Be Ready To Switch From A Sprint To A Marathon

Although it’s critical to come out of the starting blocks strong, you need to keep your audience’s attention through the speech or it could still end up being a clunker – so make sure you’ve got enough compelling info to hold the audience’s interest to the very end.

How do you accomplish this?

It’s pretty simple actually, just ask yourself what the problem is that the audience needs to be addressed, and then based the middle and end of your speech around the answer. In addition, if you need more information for your research, you can send the notes about your speech to EssaysDeluxe, and they’ll help you with the content and structure of your paper.


Be Ready For Tough Questions

All though the idea of dazzling everyone so much with your speech that there won’t be any tough questions afterwards is a nice one, it’s still a manger’s meeting and you better be prepared for a difficult post-speech Q&A. In particular, you need to be ready for the sort of questions that are designed to simply undermine what you’ve just spoken about or deliberately testing you to see how much you really know.

The best way to armour yourself for this is to try to think of all the slippery objections or challenges your audience might come up with about your speech and then either insert the answers into your presentation or be prepared to answer them afterwards. Either way, doing this will do a lot to neutralize any difficult questions those aggressive managers might have in store for you.


Come Up With Your Own Thought-Provoking Questions

A great way to key your audience alert and to frame your information is to preclude any major points you’re about to make with your own questions. By doing this, you’ll be guiding the audience in the specific direction you want them to go and it’s an effective way to take command of the room.

It’s not complicated questions either your need to put together, simply introducing a topic with rhetorical questions such as “When you think about this issue, you might say to yourself…”; “Now you might be asking yourself right now…”; “So how should we go about….?”

One thing to give serious thought to though is what types of questions would your manager audience actually ask? Throwing out questions that don’t address your audience’s concern isn’t going to do much to offset them coming after you with their own little inquisitions if the answers they’re seeking aren’t being met.

Further information

So there you have it, 5 tips that will turn those sharks into happy dolphins. Just remember, without rock solid preparations you’ll leave yourself vulnerable to any questions designed to trip you up or to just clarify statements you made or questions you yourself posed but never really answered.

So take your time, prepare, and if you follow these tips you’ll do great

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