how was Italian population divided into different regions and states and they spoke Italian language differently ? If you don't know the answer don't write foolishnessly ,I want perfect answer
this is the answer for your question!!
good luck!!

The Italian state in the 19th century was scattered into different provinces. The following are the instances of it :
• The northern part of Italy that is the states of Lombardy and Venetia was ruled over by the Austro-Habsburg Empire.
• The Sardinia Piedmont was ruled by an Italian Princely House with leaders as Count Camillo de Cavour.
• The Central Italy was ruled by the Pope.
• The Southern Italy including the Kingdom of Two Sicilies was ruled over by the Spanish Kings that is the Bourbon Dynasty.
Although Italian is the official language of Italy, it's not widely known that the country boasts some 34 spoken languages and related dialects. The majority of these languages are Romance-based, meaning that they evolved from Vulgar Latin. These include Sicilian, Neapolitan, Sardinian, and more.
The Italian language has developed through a long and gradual process, which began after the Fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. Up until this moment, Latin had spread and had been imposed across the Empire as the 'madre franca', or the shared language.
However, pronunciation can vary considerably from region to region. Deference and politeness is expressed by the switch between formal 'lei' and informal 'tu'.