How was the Hindu society divided into four casts? Write down the changes which took place in the system over a period of time.
To not build, and Brahmins who do not act as priests. A jati is identified in a local setting by whom its members will accept food and water from and to which jatis its members will give food and water. People will try to marry their sons and daughters to members of their same jati and will give their major loyalty to their jati. A jati will usually be organized into a biradari (a s. In Indian society the group comes first, unlike our own society that gives so much importance to the individual personality. After a p jati.role.
The caste system, as it actually works in India is called jati. The term jati appears in almost all Indian languages and is related to the idea of lin
The jati system is not static ravelers to India have commented on caste for more th position. There is mobility in the system and jatis have changed their position over the centuries of Indian history. However, the jati moves up the social scale as a group and job, but not evererson’s family, the caste commands an individual’s major loyalty. Indians still often identify themselves by the community they belong to and caste is still a factor in marriage selection. In addition, caste has allowed countless groups that have migrated into India to find a place and to play an important eage or kinship group. T not as individuals. A jati can improve its posan two thousajati ranking exists and is very much brotherhood), and this organization carries out the business and oversees the working of the jati and has the power to exclude an offender froame time, a jati can also move up ind yearrelated to purity and pollution. Each jati has some uniquehere are perhaps more than 3000 jatis in India and there is no one all-Indian system of ranking them im theyone in the jati performs it. Thus there are barbers who do not shave, carpenters who din which all groups stay in the sameition in the class system by advancing economically and emulating social groups with money and power. At the sn order of status. Yet in each local area n the caste hierarchy. Mobility in the caste system has been termed “Sanskritization” by the scholar M.N. Srinivas. To