English, asked by bhumika9673, 1 year ago

how was the poet mood before this class 10 poem 1 1. depressed n sucidal 2. happy 3. the poet was dreaming 4. he was nostalgic before this .​


Answered by Anonymous

IT IS A SPARKLING DAY IN MID-JUNE, the sun out in full force, the sky a limpid blue. I am lying on my back on the grass, listening to the intermittent chirping of nearby birds; my eyes are closed, the better to savor the warmth on my face. As I soak up the rays I think about summers past, the squawking of seagulls on the beach and walking along the water with my daughter, picking out enticing seashells, arguing over their various merits. My mind floats away into a space where chronology doesn’t count: I am back on the beach of my adolescence, lost in a book, or talking to my old college chum Bethanie as we brave the bay water in front of her parents’ house in Connecticut, where she comes to visit every summer.

hope it is helpfull to you ..

so please follow me

Answered by priyanitharwal13


IT IS A SPARKLING DAY IN MID JUNE , the sun out in full force , the sky a limpid blue . l am living on the back of the grass ,listening to the intermitten chirping of nearby , birds ; my eyes are closed, the better to savor the warmth. on my face . As I soak up the rays i think about summers , past , the the squawking of seagulls. on the beach and walking along the water. with my daughter packing. out enticing seashells ,aruguing over their various merits . my mind floats away into a space where chronogoly doesn't count : I am back on the beach of my adolsences, Iost in a book , or talking to my old college chum Bethaine as we brave the bay water in front of


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