English, asked by Lekhnath, 1 year ago

How we can make our country clean and green essay on 400 wprds


Answered by nushki15
Private property is cleaner than public property in our country. Since the vast majority of Indians do not own property doesn't government property become their property?

This concept should be taught to all. Public property is our property. This concept should be taught especially to our politicians who send out their goons to burn buses and newspaper offices and what not

Public property cannot be peed on, spat on, shat on or burned.

The only way to stop this is to instill the fear of God in those who would dare to deface public property whether it be roads, monuments, govt buildings or public transport

First of all proper facilities should be provided. How can this be done?

Private participation. Private toilets should be a must say every 100 meters in cities on land or area provided by the government. All should charge say 25 rupees per use. What about the poor u ask? They are given free toilet coupons along with their rations every month (If u think this is impossible then the subsidized rice is not reaching the people either and should be scrapped)

Toilets in all buildings private or public will come under this scheme. So anyone can use a toilet in any building by paying the fee

Now that there is a profit motive for running toilets a roving team can ensure that they remain clean. Any member of the public can complain if any toilet is unclean. The roving teams performance is based on the number of complaints received (Less complaints received means better performance and hence more pay)

Now severe penalties should be imposed on  violators once this infrastructure is created. Incentives should  be offered to the cops for  cleaner establishments (which would mean better policing).

All toilets public and private should be under the jurisdiction of the roving team and can charge the 25 rupees per use. There will be cards that would entitle u to unlimited use anywhere for a fee of course ('All u can pee for one fee' cards!)

A spitting pouch should be created for spitting pan for 25 rupees each pouch. All those chewing pan should carry this pouch. A tax should be levied on all Pan vendors. This money should be used to clean and paint all pan stained walls in the city. The pan vendor should collect 1 rupee from each pan buyer. When he returns the pan pouch with the pan he has chewed the money will be returned to him. He can collect this money from any pan vendor. Anyone caught spitting pan should be penalized

If fines for public property defacement cannot be paid jail sentence of three days should be mandatory

Defacement of any public property should attract fines or jail sentence

The cops may take bribes to save u from prosecution but they will lose the incentive they will get for policing well if their area is clean. Anyhow the place will be cleaner since who wants to pay a bribe needlessly

Next step would be to include garbage disposal under this scheme.  Anyone found dumping garbage outside the bins should face the same fine. If a corporation worker is caught severe fines would be levied on the corporation and jail sentence for the employee.

The cops will always get an incentive for a cleaner area under their jurisdiction and the roving team will supervise overall

Water supply to all toilets should be guaranteed by law (even by tanker). Also garbage bins should be guaranteed by the constitution.

The sewage department should come under the purview of the roving team and sewage lines should be guaranteed by law everywhere there are people residing (for a fee of course).

 Both sewage and water supply should be privatized and penalized (for poor service by the roving team) for best results

Only tough action can clean up our country
Let us live in a cleaner, healthier environment !
Answered by loxia

It is rightly said  “Clean your mind and our country will automatically get dry cleaned.” by Amit Abraham. The hallmark of a developed nation is the greenery and cleanliness. The condition of lakes, rivers, towns, colonies, hill stations and public transportation are the reason which states that India is not pro-cleanliness.

Swach Bharat Abhiyan is the drive which was started by P.M Narendra Modi aiming towards clean and green India.  

The major cause of India not being clean and green is the neglecting attitude towards the citizens. They throw waste anywhere and make use of thermacol and plastics regularly. In India, there are many rivers which are over polluted in the name of religion especially Ganga.

One can begin cleanliness from its own home. One should encourage and should keep their neighborhood clean. The government should regularize the industries which emit harmful gases. We should conserve the beauty of nature and plant more trees to spread greenery around. Similarly, we should work in unity in order to make India a developed country in the true sense and make greener and healthier environment for the coming generation.

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