how we get fat from the food
I have been struggling to gain weight as I only weigh 120 lbs., and although I feel fine & have lots of energy, I should be minimum of 126 lbs. My doctor who is an expert in clinical nutrition & runs a Holistic Health clinic in Del Mar CA, has suggested that I “double carb” & the key to weight gain is complex carbohydrates.
Brown rice, and brown rice based products such as bread, cereal and pasta are recommended. Also potatoes, millet, quinoa & a high quality nut butter such as almond butter help in weight gain. I put 2 tablespoons of that in a smoothie. Other answers have mentioned protein shakes, you may add the almond butter in with the protein shake. It also contains protein. And some nutritional yeast flakes, provides even more protein. Following is some other related information and a link from Medical News Today to an excellent related article:
I would ease up on the dairy products as excessive consumption of those may lead to the formation of stones. And I do not agree with the suggestion for lean meats, since I am a Vegetarian, though IMO, the suggestion for salmon is fine.
What are the best carbs to eat to gain weight?
High Carbohydrate Food
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams.
Oatmeal, cream of wheat, cream of rice.
Rice (Whole grain, NOT white rice)
Any green leafy vegetable.
Bread (Rice bread; sprouted 7 grain; whole wheat)
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