English, asked by shritipikas, 1 year ago

How were the childreneducated in lilliput


Answered by shevi

Swift gives the location of Lilliput and Blefuscu as Latitude 30°2′S, to the northwest of Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania). Because this area is actually occupied by Australia, and on the basis of other textual evidence, some have concluded that Swift intended to place Lilliput in the Pacific Ocean, to the northeast, not northwest, of Van Diemen's Land.[1][2] However, as the map (see illustration) indicates, mainland Australia had been barely explored by Europeans at that time.

Lilliput is said to extend 5,000 blustrugs, or twelve miles in circumference.[3] Blefuscu is located northeast of Lilliput, across an 800-yard channel.[4] The only cities mentioned by Swift are Mildendo,[5] the capital of Lilliput, and Blefuscu, capital of Blefuscu.[6]

A modernised Lilliput is the setting of a 1958 sequel children's novel, Castaways in Lilliput, by Henry Winterfeld. This book provides more geographical detail: other cities in addition to Mildendo include Plips (a major city and cathedral town), Wiggywack (a suburb of Mildendo and seat of the Island Council),[7] Tottenham (on the west coast),[8] and Allenbeck (at the mouth of a river on the west coast).[9]

History and politics[edit]

Lilliput is said to be ruled by an Emperor, Golbasto Momarem Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue. He is assisted by a first minister(who carries a white staff) and several other officials (who later bring articles of impeachment against Gulliver on grounds oftreason): the galbet or high admiral, Skyresh Bolgolam; the lord high treasurer, Flimnap; the general, Limnoc; the chamberlain, Lalcom; and the grand justiciary, Balmuff.[6] Blefuscu is also ruled by an Emperor, who is not named.

Both nations follow the teachings of a prophet, Lustrog, as recorded in their scripture, known as the Blundecral ("which is theirAlcoran", an older term for the Quran of Islam). Sectarian divisions exist in the debate between "Little-Endians" and "Big-Endians" 

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