How will you measure the reading of theta in a deflection magnetometer if the pointer is adjusted to 90-90 instead of 0-0 while doing initial adjustment?
Deflection magnetometer, box-type oscillation magnetometer, timer, bar electromagnet. The deflection magnetometer contains a great range box with a little electromagnet needle turned at the centre of a round measure so that the director is available to turn in a parallel plane.
A big aluminium rod is a rigidly set perpendicular to the irresistible needle. The round measure is measured in degrees. (0-0) and (90-90) sections are listed after two perpendicular broadness. The device box is located in the middle of a hardboard one meter long. The hardboard has a millimetre scale at its axis. The zero of this rule is in the middle of the compass box.
To learn more:
i)explain deflection magnetometer -
ii)explain deflection magnetometer. how will you compare the ...