How will you prepare your own indicator
If performing the activity at home, clean the space to be used for the activity with household surface cleaner.
Gather materials.
Prepare the indicator solutions. For red cabbage: Add about ¼ cup of grated red cabbage to 2 cups of water in a small pan. Heat the water to a boil until the water turns purple.
Plant Material Containing Anthocyanins (red cabbage, blueberries or blackberries, and purple grape juice)
Lemon Juice, Vinegar, and Baking Soda Solution (known acids and bases for testing)
Light-Colored Liquids (unknowns for testing)
Vegetable Peeler
various methods are present
clean space first
indicator solution;For grape juice: Be sure to use purple grape juice, as white grape juice will not work. The juice can be used as is from its container.
Place a few milliliters of a known acid in a small cup or beaker.
Add 1 or 2 drops of one of the prepared indicators.
Record any color changes.
Repeat the process using each of the indicators and known acids and bases to determine the color changes for the prepared indicators in the presence of acids and bases.
its enough thnx dear