How will you separate a mixture of sand and ammonium chloride?Descride the process steps
by sublimation and filtration
For Sublimation:
1. take a mixture of sand and ammonium chloride in a China dish.
2. set up the experiment
take a tripod stand and under it Bunsen burner and on the tripod stand wire gauze.( Check the picture if in need).
3. And on the wire gauze keep the China dish containing sand and ammonium chloride.
4. Keep a funnel inverted (upside down i.e. stem of the funnel should be facing upwards) and at the end of the stem of the funnel plug in a cotton piece so that the vapours do not escape out.
5. Now, turn on the Bunsen burner and leave it undisturbed for a while.
6. You can see that after a while white fumes start arising and settle down on the inner walls of the funnel.
7. As ammonium chloride is a sublimate it gets separated by sublimation.
8. Now, you are left with a sand.
If you want to separate the impurities of sand then:
For Filtration:
1. Pour water in n the mixture of sand
2. Keep a beaker and on it funnel and I. it the filter paper.
3. Now, let the mixture of sand and water pass through the filter paper.
4. The residue remains in the filter paper i.e. sand and the filterate gets down into the beaker i.e. water.
5. The residue is getting separated from the water.
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