Environmental Sciences, asked by kashmir2631, 10 months ago

How will your reduce glodal warming? Suggest an innovation idea?


Answered by nikita2411


by reducing the use of AC and refrigerator

by afforestation

Answered by Bonali

1.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buy products with minimal packaging. Recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 1088kg of carbon dioxide every year.

2. Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning

Add insulation to your walls and attic, it can lower your heating costs more than 25 percent, by reducing the amount of energy you need to heat and cool your home. Turn down the heat while you're sleeping at night or away during the day, and keep temperatures moderate at all times. Setting your thermostat just 2 degrees lower in winter and higher in summer could save about 907kg of carbon dioxide each year.

3. Change your lightbulbs

Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. CFLs last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, use two-thirds less energy, and give off 70 percent less heat.

 4. Drive less and drive smarter

Go surfing with friends, Walk and ride your bike more and check out options for carpooling to work or school. When you do drive, make sure your car is running efficiently. For example, keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your petrol mileage by more than 3 percent.

 5. Buy Energy-Efficient Products

When it's time to buy a new car, choose one that offers good mileage. Home appliances now come in a range of energy-efficient models, and compact florescent bulbs are designed to provide more natural-looking light while using far less energy than standard light bulbs.

Avoid products that come with excess packaging especially molded plastic and other packaging that can't be recycled.

 6. Use Less Hot Water

Set your water heater at a lower tempreture to save energy and buy low-flow showerheads to save hot water and about 350 pounds of carbon dioxide yearly. Wash your clothes in warm or cold water to reduce your use of hot water and the energy required to produce it. 

7. Use the "Off" Switch

Save electricity and reduce global warming by turning off lights when you leave a room, and using only as much light as you need. And remember to turn off your television, video player, stereo and computer when you're not using them. It's also a good idea to turn off the water when you're not using it. While brushing your teeth, shampooing the dog or washing your car, turn off the water until you actually need it for rinsing. You'll reduce your water bill and help to conserve a vital resource.

8. Plant a Tree or two 

If you have the means to plant a tree, start digging. During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime.

9. Keep an eye on your local beach 

It’s your responsibility to look after your local spot. Keep an eye on changes, pick up litter, use your local status to increase respect for the ocean environment. 

10. Encourage Others to Conserve 

Share information about recycling and energy conservation with your friends, neighbors and co-workers, and take opportunities to encourage public officials to establish programs and policies that are good for the environment.

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