How would sem or tem change what you could discover about cells
• SEM is based on scattered electrons while TEM is based on transmitted electrons.
• SEM focuses on the sample’s surface and its composition whereas TEM provides the details about internal composition. Therefore TEM can show many characteristics of the sample, such as morphology, crystallization, stress or even magnetic domains. On the other hand, SEM shows only the morphology of samples.
• The sample in TEM has to be cut thinner whereas there is no such need with SEM sample.
• TEM has much higher resolution than SEM.
• SEM allows for large amount of sample to be analysed at a time whereas with TEM only small amount of sample can be analysed at a time.
• SEM is used for surfaces, powders, polished & etched microstructures, IC chips, chemical segregation whereas TEM is used for imaging of dislocations, tiny precipitates, grain boundaries and other defect structures in solids