how would you check the temperature of other objects with laboratory thermometer
How To Check The Temperature Of Other Object.
Devices used for temperature measurement are different thermometers, thermocouples, or digital thermometers. Thermometers contain a mercury or any other fluid. Temperature is directly proportional to an expansion of mercury. As soon as the temperature increases it causes fluid to expand. Hence, the temperature can be measured by measuring the volume of fluid. There are many temperature measurement devices available such as thermocouples, resistive temperature devices (RTDs), thermistors, etc. Heat can directly be related to temperature. If the temperature of object is high, it has more energy and if the temperature is low then it has less energy. Let’s learn more about Temperature measurement and heat in detail.
By Taking the THERMOMETER near the object
It will give us the readings
And by this we can get to
Know the temperature of that particular object