Human values in l students life
The values of students occupy a central position in the cognitive system and on student’s personality, because it includes components of knowledge, affective and behavioural, determining their attitudes and motivations. In order to respond to the question “what are the values in students of higher education”, we have done a review of literature indexed in databases online, getting 23 articles published between 2008/2017. The reflection on the values of a student is of extreme importance to the educational system, due to the relationship between education and human values, resetting or recapturing the true role of the school in the formation of values. The results show that through the school it is possible to construct and develop human values in students, making it a place for this construction, without neglecting the importance of family. With the heterogeneity of methodologies of the studies, we suggest the development of more homogeneous research, materials and methods to evaluate the values of University students.