English, asked by sheejatc72, 1 year ago

Humour of the story it used to be green once


Answered by shivanshgarg47


I chose to read this short story because it was written by a well know female Maori author and the first sentences seemed really interesting and made me want to read more.

This text is about a large family living in a small town in New Zealand. The family is a poor so the children’s mother dose whatever it takes to feed their family and keep them alive. Whilst doing this she ends up embarrassing her children by giving ‘holey fruit’ and making them wear worn out clothes. At the end of the story everything changes for them when they win lotto.

I think one of the author’s key messages in this book is that money doesn’t always make you happy. This is showed when Mum and Dad didn’t change the way they lived there life when they had won the lotto money. “Mum and Dad didn’t change. They were the same as always. “This quote shows that even If you have heaps on money it doesn’t change who you are as a person.

The text made me think about how life would be living at the low end of society with no money. Everything that you did would be to save money. For example in the story the children’s mother buys cheap fruit and cuts the rotten bits off ’hey…Who shot your pears.’ At the time the kids probably think they have the worst mother ever but later on in life they would realise that she was only trying to do the best for them.

This short story also gave me an insight on how family and relatives is an important thing in Maori culture. This is shown when kiri the children’s mother goes shopping. When she drives down to the shops her realities yell out at her if there need anything from the shop. “E kiri” they would call out to her as she drove past them. They would then say what they wanted. kiri would then buy it for them and throw it out…...

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