hundred points best answer give as brain list hundred points no snap it's urgent
Force is a push or pull that causes a body to move fromits positon of rest of motion
Force influences interia
Interia is the tendency of a body to remain at rest when at rest and toremain in motion when in motion when acted on by an externalFORCE
Snow shoes increase friction which enables one to move in snow
b poryers do so to avoid alot of force on there heads which may harm them so by putting a cloth they make force on them to be reduced
A sharp knife has a small surface area hence it puts maximum pressure than a blunt knife which has a large surface area hence minimum pressure
School bags are givenwide straps to avoid alot of pressure in student
A needle can burstan inflated ballon because it has a small surface areahence putting alot of pressure unlike finger which has large surface area hence minimum pressure
The higher mountainners go the atmospheric pressure goes above hence nose starts to bleed due to high atmospheric pressure
G that is to avoid high pressure from harming people
4 is that the Rod b will sink less because it has a large surface areaand inflicts less pressure on water surface
5 is that you will observe that hole C spills out like longest because pressure in liquids increases with depth (diagram is shown)
6 observation os that the water will get out at equal volumes and at the same time
This is because the holes were of equal heights and sizes
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