Biology, asked by itzshrutiBasrani, 1 year ago

♥️Hy Brainly Friends ♥️

Answer 7 Questions Properly With Explanation ☺

My Questions :-

Q.1 Distinguish between - Infectious and non- infectious diseases.
Q.2 Indentify the odd term .
a. Malaria , hepatitis , elephantiasis, Dengue.
b. Plague, AIDS, cholera, T.B.
Q.3 Answer in one or Two Sentences.

a.) Which are various media of spreading the infectious Diseases.

b. ) Give the names of five non - infectious diseases.

c .) Which are the main reasons of diabetes and heart diseases .

Q.4 What Can Be Achieved / Can be Prevented ?

a.) Drinking Boiled and filtered water.
b.) Avoiding smoking and alcoholism.
c.)Regular Balanced diet and exercise.
d.) Proper Checking Of blood Before Blood Donation .

Also Answer the Question No.5 Which is in The Attachment

Q.6 Give the preventive measures of Followimg Diseases .
1. Dengue .
2. Cancer .
c. AIDS .

Q.7 Explain The Importance.
a. Balanced diet .
b. Physical Excercise/ Yogasanas.

No Copied answer.
Answer with Quality And Quantity.
Explain Your Answers .

♥️Be Brainly ♥️


Answered by Nereida


Answer 1 : Diseases that can be spread from direct contact and through different vectors are infectious diseases. Example : Corona Virus, Influenza, etc.

Diseases can not be spread from any means is called non infectious diseases. Example : Dengue, Cancer, etc.

Answer 2 :

a. The odd one out of the four is Hepatitis. This is because hepatitis is caused by virus where as the others we are caused by mosquitoes.

b. The odd one out of the four is AIDS. This is because it is caused by a virus where are the other three are caused by bacteria.

Answer 3 :

a. The various media of spreading infectious diseases are - contact with body fluids, touch, animal vectors, water, air, etc.

b. Names of five non infectious diseases are : Cancer, Heart attack, Diabetes, Cataract and Kidney failure.

c. Reasons of diabetes are imbalanced diet, no physical activity and obesity. Reasons of heart diseases are stress, hypertension hypertension, alcohol, smoking, etc.

Answer 4 :

a) Drinking boiled and filtered water should be achieved because this will help preventing the water borne diseases.

b) Avoiding smoking and alcoholism should be prevented because it can cause heart diseases and lung diseases.

c) Regular balance diet and exercise should be achieved because it helps in preventing diabetes and heart diseases.

d) Proper checking of blood before blood donation should be achieved because if the donor is suffering from any infectious disease, it could spread.

Question 5 : Read the passage and answer the questions.Master ‘X’ is a 3 year old child. He is living with his family in a slum. Public toilet is present near his house. His father is a drunkard. His mother does not know the importance of a balanced diet.a. Master ‘X’ can suffer from which different possible diseases in above conditions ?b. How will you help him and his family in this situation ?c. Which disease can occur to the father of master ‘X’ ? [You forgot to attach this question]

Answer 5 :

a. Master 'X' can suffer from any any type of infectious disease because of lack of cleanliness in his area. He can also suffer worn infections and diarrhoea.

b. In this situation, the family should be taught cleanliness and its importance. His father should also be treated in a way that he stops drinking alcohol or else his children would do the same.

c. Father of Master 'X' can suffer from heart diseases, ulcers, liver diseases, etc.

Answer 6 :

1. One should have proper drainage system around their home. Mosquitoes shouldn't be allowed breeding by preventing collection of water.

2. One should prevent drinking and smoking. Also they should keep healthy diet and keep exercising.

3. This disease can be prevented by avoiding sexual contact with unknown people. The blood should be checked before transfusion and by not sharing injections.

Answer 7 :

a. Maintaining balance diet helps in the maintenance of healthy body. It helps in powering up the immune system. It prevents us from getting ill.

b. The physical exercise helps in increasing the energy level of the body. It helps in maintaining the blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps by preventing heart diseases.

Anonymous: :Claps:
Nereida: Thanks
beingSaRcAsTiC: nyc answer sis
Answered by Cynefin

 \Large{ \bf{ \red{ \underline{ \underline{ \green{Questions \: and \: Answers...}}}}}}


Q.1 Distinguish between Infectious and Non- infectious diseases.

Ans- Infectious Disease :- The diseases that are caused or spreaded by any infectious agent like bacteria, virus, protozoan parasites etc. They comes under communicable diseases.

Example : Typhoid, Common cold, Malaria etc.

Non-Infectious Disease:- The disease that is not caused by any Infectious agent, then it is Non infectious Disease. These are Non-communicable diseases.

Example : Cancer, Diabetes etc.


Q.2 Identify the odd term .

a. Malaria, hepatitis, elephantiasis, Dengue.

\large{ \boxed{ \rm{ \red{Hepatitis}}}}

Hepatitis is a viral disease which is caused by Hepatitis virus, and its vector is contaminated water. But the vecors of rest is Mosquitoes. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium. Elephantiasis by Wucheria and Dengue by dengue virus.

b. Plague, AIDS, cholera, T.B.

\large{ \boxed{ \rm{ \red{AIDS}}}}

The AIDS(acquired immuno deficiency syndrome)is a deadly disease caused by HIV whereas rest are bacterial diseases.


Q.3 Answer in one or Two Sentences.

a.) Which are various media of spreading the infectious Diseases?

Ans- Infectious diseases are generally spread by contaminated water, contaminated food, vectors like mosquitoes, sandfly, housefly, then animal vectors like rat etc.

b.) Give the names of five non - infectious diseases.

Ans- There are many non-infectious diseases like:-

  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Marasmus
  • Alzheimer disease

c .) Which are the main reasons of diabetes and heart diseases .

Ans- The most common reasons for the occurence of Non-Infectious diseases like Heart disease and Diabetes are :-

Lack of Exercise ,Unbalanced diet,Increase in cholesterol level,Consumption of,Alchohol,Hypertension,Genetial (Hereditary)


Q.4 What Can Be Achieved / Can be Prevented ?

a.) Drinking Boiled and filtered water.

Ans- Boiling of water kills the harmful microbes present in water due to rise in temperature. The diseases caused by contaminated water like typhoid, hepatitis etc. can be prevented by drinking clean, boiled and purified water.

b.) Avoiding smoking and alcoholism.

Ans- Smoking and consuming alchohol is the biggest reason for the number of deaths due to lung cancer. The ingrediants used in these substances degrades our internal organs. Also, it weakens our heart. Avoiding these kind of substances can help in leading a better life.

c.)Regular Balanced diet and exercise.

Ans- Balanced diet is very much important for our body. The balanced diet is a kind of diet which includes all required nutrients in proper amount. Maintaining a proper balanced diet helps in proper functioning of organs,provides energy etc. This is very essential for a fit and fine lifestyle.

d.) Proper Checking Of blood Before Blood Donation.

Ans- Many people in our country are doing social services by donating blood to the needys but it is also important to check the blood before donation. It is because the blood should be free of disorders like anaemia etc.


Q.6 Give the preventive measures of Following Diseases .

1. Dengue .

Ans- The dengue is caused by virus which are carried by aeded mosquitoes. So, it's important to get rid of mosquitoes for preventing dengue.

Preventive measure for Dengue are:-

  • Using of Mosquitoes repellents and nets.
  • Spreading of larave eating fishes and oil in stagnant water.
  • Using boiled and purified water.

2. Cancer.

Ans- Cancer is a deadly disease that can't be cured easily, but it can be prevented. Preventuve measures:-

  • Maintaining balanced diet
  • Exercise and yoga
  • Avoiding smoking and consumption of alchohol

3. AIDS .

Ans- AIDS is a viral disease caused by HIV. It weakens the immune system of our body. It is also not cured easily.

Preventive measures of AIDS are:-

  • Not using infected needles and syringes.
  • Safe sexual intercourse
  • Avoiding common tools of Infected person.


Q.7 Explain The Importance.

a. Balanced diet .

Our body requires a perfect balanced diet. A diet which cobatsins the nutrients like carbohydrates, fats,proteins in adequate amount. Some of the importance are:- It provides us energy. It repairs the old tissue and cell. It helps in the growth and building of body. It protects us from diseases. It strengthens our immune system etc.

b. Physical Excercise/ Yogasanas.

Physical Exercises makes our body active and energetic. It helps in maintaining a proper height and weight. It helps in preventing heart diseases. It helps in maintaining our cholesterol. It helps in preventing diseases related to bones etc.


beingSaRcAsTiC: awsm as always
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