Science, asked by ingavale, 11 months ago

hydrogen is combustible, oxygen help combustible,but water helps to extinguish fire


Answered by Anonymous
Hydrogen is combustible becuse hydrogen is present there in elemental form.

Oxygen supports combustion beacuse of its.

Since, water is a compound as well .So, as per nature of compund it is not necessary that it shows all properties of its constituents elements

Hence, product obtained by two elements need to not to be compulsory for showing the constituents character.
Answered by tanuja200746


α.ωατєr is мα∂є υρ σƒ τωσ єℓємєทτs, τнατ's нy∂rσgєท αท∂ σxygєท. нy∂rσgєท is ƒℓαммαвℓє, вυτ σxygєท is ทστ. ƒℓαммαвiℓiτy is τнє αвiℓiτy σƒ α cσмвυsτiвℓє мατєriαℓ ωiτн αท α∂єqυατє sυρρℓy σƒ σxygєท (σr αทστнєr σxi∂isєr) τσ sυsταiท єทσυgн нєατ єทєrgy τσ кєєρ α ƒirє gσiทg αƒτєr iτ нαs вєєท igทiτє∂. τнσυgн ωατєr is мα∂є υρ σƒ τωσ ατσмs σƒ нy∂rσgєท αท∂ σทє ατσм σƒ σxygєท вy ƒσrмiทg αท iσทic cσмρσυท∂, iτ ∂σєs ทστ ρσssєss τнє cнαrαcτєrisτics σƒ τнєм вєcαυsє α cσмρσυท∂ ∂σєs ทστ нαvє τнє ρrσρєrτiєs σƒ iτs cσทsτiτυєทτ єℓємєทτs. τнєrєƒσrє, ωατєr нαs iτs σωท ρrσρєrτiєs, ωнicн нєℓρs τσ єxτiทgυisн ƒirє.

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