English, asked by noobkhiladi, 10 months ago

I have exams today please help
I need help!!!

English grammer

(i) “Will you lend me the book tomorrow?” Priya asked her classmate.

(Begin: Priya asked her classmate if…………………………)

(ii) The teacher scolded him for coming late.

(Begin: He……..…………………………)

(iii) It was so hot that the P.T. period could not be held.

(Begin: It was too …………….……….…)

(iv) As soon as her song was over, I knew that she had won the


(Begin: No sooner …………….……….…)

(v) Our school sent up the best exhibit to the Town Hall.

(Re-write using: ‘better’)

(vi) Visitors under eighteen were not allowed into the hall.

(Begin: Only visitors ……………...………)

(vii) As soon as the bell rang the children ran out.

(Begin: No sooner ………………)

(viii)They were asked to combine all their ideas into one document.

(Re-write using: ‘combination’)


Answered by samu0623
ans. he was scolded by teacher for coming late
only visitors above eighteen were allowed into the hall.

noobkhiladi: though I would have been more happier if you would have answered all
noobkhiladi: hah
noobkhiladi: leave it.....
noobkhiladi: it has been now tge third time why I am not gettinv tge full answer.....hah
Answered by tejashwa1310
1) If he would lend her the book for the next day.
2) He was scolded by the teacher for late coming.
3) Hot so the P.T period will perhaps be held.
4) song was over.
5) Our school sent up exhibits the better than other to the town hall.
6) Only visitors above than 18 are allowed into the hall.
7) No sooner bell was rang for children.
8)That document was the combination of their ideas

if I helped you, mark me as brainliest !!
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