I have to present a debate on favour of dowry
Here you are!
These few points may help you out.
Advantages of Dowry System in India
Though the practice of dowry is publicly condemned, legally banned and morally despised of in practice it still persists as some of the supporters of this system argue that this practice has its advantages. Some of the arguments in favour of dowry by the supporters of this system are discussed here under.
1. Dowry helps newly married couple to establish their family:
The advocates of the practice of dowry say that the dowry, money, utensils and other house hold articles that a bride brings at the time of marriage help the newly married couple to establish their new home and also enables them to furnish their home with necessary accessories.
2. It makes marriage of ugly looking girl easy:
Practice of dowry makes the marriage of ugly looking, uneducated and aged girl easy as huge amount of dowry acts as effective and useful method for luring suitable bride groom for the bride.
3. Supports the Higher Education of poor boys:
The practice of dowry solves the financial problem of poor young bachelors and gives support for higher education to prospective bridegroom.
4. Raises the status of women in family:
Supporters of this system think that marriage is a girl’s life insurance and the dowry is the premium. A girl earring with her huge amount of dowry feels confident while entering her in-laws house and is given greater attention and importance in-laws family where as a girl without dowry feels uneasy and apprehensive. Besides, it enables for a lower Class / Caste women to marry an upper class/ caste boy through which she can be able to raise her status in the society.
5. Promotes Inter-caste, inter religion and inter- state marriage:
Dowry helps to find a suitable bridegroom from other cast, religion or form other state Dowry is practically helpful when in a particular caste we are not able to find a suitable and qualified boy for a suitable girl.
6. Acts as a provident fund:
Supporters of this practice put arguments that dowry acts as a provident fund for the girls to face many financial hazards in future as boys of other cast and religion easily allured by dowry and give their consent for inter-cast, inter- religion and inter-state marriage
Hope this helps you!
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