Hindi, asked by Illeana, 1 year ago

I have to write an article for school magazine! What topic should I choose and could you help me?


Answered by arshikaul
well i would suggest you to write on consumer awareness(उपभोक्ता जागरूकता ). if it is easy for you to write on.

Illeana: Did you get an Idea?
arshikaul: an essay on diseases causing in children due to excess amount of using electronic devices
arshikaul: is that easy or some other
Illeana: Can you suggest a scientific one?
arshikaul: ok
arshikaul: an essay on - is autism a kind of brain damage
arshikaul: is that ok
arshikaul: this is a science topic
arshikaul: it would be easy for your essay
arshikaul: in how many words u hv to write in
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