English, asked by yesh009, 6 months ago

I. In each of the following items, sentence A is complete but sentence B is incomple,
Complete sentence B each time making it as similar as possible in meaning so that
3. "How cold the tea is!" said Meera. "May I warm it up?"
Begin: Meera exclaimed
could replace A. Make Bone sentence, not two. No changes of
any kind may be
the printed parts of the B sentences.
1. A. I said to the guard, "When does the next train come in?"
B. I asked the guard
2. A. The spectators said, "Bravo! Well played, Pankaj."
B. The spectators cheered Pankaj and said
3. A. The students said, "How tough the paper is!"
B. The students exclaimed
4. A. The mother said, "Bunty, I have often told you not to tell lies."
B. The mother told Bunty
5. A. "Hurry up, Rajan," said his mother. "You'll be missing the school bus."
B. The mother told Rajan
6. A. Rama confessed that she had been very impatient.
B. Rama said,
7. A. He wished that he might have some food.
B. He said, "
8. A. The teacher said to the class, "I shall prove now that earth moves round the sun
B. The teacher told the class
4. "Are there enough pencils left, Atul?" said Joe.
Begin : Joe asked Atul
5. "How lovely your sari is!" said the little girl to her mother
Begin: The little girl told her mother
6. The teacher said, "Let me have some tea."
Begin: The teacher wished
7. Arun requested his sister to wait there till he returned.
till I return."
8. He wished that she might have some money.
Begin : He said,
Aruna asked me whether I played cricket.
Begin : Aruna said to me,
10. The teacher said to me, "I have never seen such an intelligent boy like you."
Begin: The teacher told me that
9. A. He told me that he could defeat me in swimming
B. He said to me,
10. A. He inquired of me if I knew the way.
B. He said to me,
II. Rewrite the following according to the instructions given after each sentence. Change only
what you are asked and make a correct sentence. Do not alter the meaning. You have to
make your sentence say the same thing in a different way.
1. "It may rain this evening," said the mother.
Begin: The mother said that
2. The teacher told the children not to play on the road.
End : "
.....," said the teacher.
Duelling Proverbs are a pair of proverbs, contradictory to each other. These proverbs are
correct when applied to life's circumstances. But when these proverbs are viewed without
qualification, they contradict each other. Look at the following examples:
1. The
pen is mightier than the sword,
5. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
But: Actions speak louder than words, But: Many hands make work light.
2. Practice makes perfect.
6. There is safety in numbers.
But: All work and no play makes Jack But: Better be alone than in bad
a dull boy
3. He who hesitates is lost.
7. Ask no questions and be told no lies.
But Look before you leap.
But: Ask and you shall receive.
4. Clothes makes the man.
8. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
But: Never judge a book by its cover. But Out of sight out of mind.
Total English-X 600​


Answered by pukitlepcha


8. the teacher told the class that he would prove then that earth moves round the sun.

Answered by jayawirghat2003


pankaj meaning in english

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