Listen, listen carefully, Long ago. in a forest lived an elephant. He was big and strong, and his skin was as white as milk.
The white elephant had a mother whom he loved more than anything else in the world, more than himself, more than the sweet wild berries and fruit on the trees in the forest, more than the juicy tubers hidden in the ground.
The white elephant's mother was blind, but blind or not, isn't a mother, a mother ? The white elephant took good care of her. He found a nice cool cave for her. In front of the cave was a lake full of clear shining water full of lotuses. Water always makes an elephant's heart glad.
The white elephant would first feed his mother, only then would he eat. Whenever he could, he would tell her stories and tell her how the forest looked in the hot summer and during the monsoon when it poured. He would speak to her of the hills. of squirrels, birds, and butterflies with beautiful wings. He would also tell her of flowers, big and small of many colours .
The days passed, The rains cam e in time. The long grass blew in the wind. Monkeys chattered in the trees, and their children and their children's children's children swung from branch to branch.
The withe elephant grew older and stronger. Yes. stronger. but gender. and wiser, too.
Now, one day it so happened that a man who had come from the city of Benares's lost his way in the forest. He sobbed and beat his head, crying, "Oh, it is all over with me ! I will never be able to get out of this forest ! Someone, save me. save me, please !"
The white elephant saw the man. "Poor man," he said to himself, "Why does he weep ? I must help him ! The elephant walked towards the man, but he ran away in fear. The elephant followed him, and in his gentle voice said, " Friend, don't be afraid, I wish to help you. Tell me. Why do you weep ?'
The elephant had called him friend, so the man stopped and said, "I have passed seven days i this forest and I still cannot find my way out of it ! The elephant knelt down and said. Climb onto my back. I will carry you safely out of the forest, and put you on a path that will take you home."
And so, thanks to the elephant, the man reached his home in Benares.
Back in Benares's, he heard the king's men announce loudly in the streets, Listen. Listen' ! The king's elephant is dead ! The royal elephant is no more ! The king wishes to have a new state elephant. Anyone willing to help the king The King wishes to have a new state elephant. Anyone willing to help the king find a suitable royal elephant will get a suitable reward; !;
Aha,' said the man, "now is my chance to get rich?"
He went to the king and said, "My lord, I have seen a wonderful elephant in the forest. This elephant is big and handsome and fit for a king. His skin is a sport less white ! Send some of your elephant trainers and soldiers with me. We will catch the elephant and bring him to you!'
Take whoever you need," the king said, " I shall be glad to have such an elephant at my palace,:
So the man set out for the forest, along with many elephant trainers and soldiers..
In the forest, the great White elephant was standing in front of his cave, in the cool water of the lake amidst many lotuses. The points of his tusks shone in the sun.
The man went up to the elephant, caught him by the trunnk, and said, You must come wiht me. If you will not, these elephant trainers and soldiers will drag you to Benares:
The elephant stood quietly. He knew he was stronger than the man, stronger than all the king's elephant trainers, stronger than all the king's soldiers. He knew that if he wanted to he could killanyone who came to catch him.
"I do not wish to harm anyone" said the elephant to himself and stood with his head low."
and so the very man to whom he had done a good turn caught him, and along with the elephant trainers and soldiers, took him to the city of Benares.]
Alone and sad in the cave, the blind mother elephant tossed her head unhappily. "many days have passed. Where is my son ? Whaat could have happend to him/ He is so big and handsome. Ihope he was not been caughtby man. O(h my son is not by mey side to tell me about the trees and plants and grass and the my son is not by side to tell me about the trees my son was my pair of eyes.
This is the story now I have one question to u. 1. How was the elephant. Give reason for ur answer
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the elephant was very kind and helpful
because the elephant did not kill any person (the people from Benares)
and he took care of his mother
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hello dear how are you and good evening
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