I need application of computers in physical education?
Technology penetrates in every spheres of life. Computers becom
e an essential part of life. It works as
the research object and its application in the combination with
the sports training and performance
enhancement. The need of introducing the computer technology in
to the sports training and its future
trend in development, in order to improve the technical content
, and the effectiveness of sports training.
Computer science in sport is an interdisciplinary discipline th
at has its goal in combining the theoretical
and practical field and methods of the areas of sport science a
nd for physical education. The main
emphasis of the interdisciplinary is placed on the application
and use of computer-based but also
mathematical techniques in sports science, aiming in this way a
t the advancement of theory and practical
in sports. The sport science is
mainly connected with the fact
that the use of data and media, the design of
models, the analysis of systems etc. increasingly requires the
support of suitable tools and the concepts
which are developed and ava
ilable in computer science