I need "The Window was open" story
The Window was Open
Summary: a man, who has the glorious name of Framton Nuttel, has newly arrived in a ‘rural retreat’, to help him settle his nerves. His sister, worried that he will hide himself away there and ‘mope’, thus making his nerves worse, has given him the names and addresses of all the people she knows in the area, and told him to go and introduce himself to them. (His sister had stayed at the rectory four years earlier.) ‘The Open Window’ takes place at the house of one of Framton’s sister’s contacts, a woman named Mrs Sappleton and her 15-year-old niece, Vera, whom Framton has gone round to visit so he might introduce himself.
While Mrs Sappleton is upstairs making herself ready to meet their new guest, Vera entertains Framton. After she learns that Framton knows barely anything about her aunt, Vera tells him that three years ago Mrs Sappleton’s husband and her two brothers went out through the French window on a shooting trip, and never returned. They drowned in a ‘treacherous piece of bog’ and their bodies were never recovered. The spaniel they took with them was lost, too. Vera tells Framton that her aunt has kept the French window open ever since, in the belief that her husband and brothers are going to walk back through the open window any moment, alive and well.
Mrs Sappleton then arrives from upstairs and apologises for being late coming down. She mentions the open window and explains that her husband and brothers are out shooting but will be back any minute. They exchange small talk about shooting and birds, and Framton iterates that he has been told to have complete rest and avoid ‘mental excitement’, when Mrs Sappleton announces that her husband and brothers are returning home. Framton looks with horror at the sight of three men and a ‘tired brown spaniel’ approaching the open window – he sees that Vera shares his look of shock. Believing he is seeing three ghosts (four if you include the dog!), he picks up his hat and coat and runs from the house as fast as he can. Back at the house, Mrs Sappleton remarks that Mr Nuttel was an odd man – all he could do was talk about his ailments, and then he ‘dashed off’ as soon as the men arrived. Vera suggests that he was scared of dogs, and the sight of the spaniel caused him to run off. The final sentence of the story refers to Vera: ‘Romance at short notice was her speciality.’