Biology, asked by MukunthaD, 6 months ago

I. Objective Type Questions 1. A large muscular sheath that forms a floor of chest cavity is: A) Rib cage B) Diaphragm C) Pleura layer D) Meninges 2. Inhaled air first entered into: A) Lungs B) Pharynx C) Nasal cavity D) Chest cavity 3. Which of the following part(s) of the body help(s) in breathing process? A) Rib cage B) Diaphragm C) Nostrils D) A and B 4. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? A) During the inhalation ribs move up and outwards. B) During the inhalation diaphragm moves down. C) Movement of rib cage and diaphragm increases the space in chest cavity. D) During the exhalation diaphragm moves down. 5. Assertion (A) : During inhalation, ribs move up and outwards and diaphragm moves down. Reason (R) : This increases space in our chest cavity and atmospheric air rushes into the Lungs. A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A C) A is true but R is false D) A is false but R is true 6. Smoking causes: A) Lung cancer B) Damage to lungs C) Bronchitis D) All the above 7. Which part of respiratory system helps in filtering the dust particles present in inhaled air? A) Lungs B) Pharynx C) Nasal cavity D) Larynx 8. Which of the following stage helps to exhale the air present in lungs? A) Reduced chest cavity and raised Diaphragm B) Reduced Diaphragm and chest cavity C) Reduced chest cavity and flattend Diaphragm D) Increased chest cavity and Diaphragm 10. Sneezing helps in: A) Increasing respiration B) Inhalation C) Exhalation D) Removing the foreign particles present in air​


Answered by pmuraliudaya


1 . B









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