Art, asked by smilekhushi25, 1 year ago

i want a essay on art and asthetics

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Answered by MLSR
Art is not the only object to draw interest of this pleasurable kind: hobbies and travel are further examples, and sport yet another, as was mentioned briefly above. In particular, the broadening of the aesthetic tradition in recent years has led theorists to give more attention to sport. David Best, for instance, writing on sport and its likeness to art, highlighted how close sport is to the purely aesthetic. But he wanted to limit sport to this, and insisted it had no relevance to ethics. Best saw art forms as distinguished expressly by their having the capacity to comment on life situations, and hence bring in moral considerations. No sport had this further capacity, he thought, although the enjoyment of many sports may undoubtedly be aesthetic. But many art forms—perhaps more clearly called “craft-forms” as a result— also do not comment on life situations overmuch, for example, décor, abstract painting, and non-narrative ballet. And there are many sports which are pre-eminently seen in moral, “character-building” terms, for example, mountaineering, and the various combat sports (like boxing and wrestling). sports like gymnastics, diving, and synchronized swimming, which are the ones he claims are aesthetic, and on the other hand the “achievement,” or “purposive’ sports, like those combat sports above. Task sports have less “art” in them, since they are not as creative as the purposive ones.
Answered by IntrovertAngel

Anѕwєr :

Art and Aesthetics

  • Art is usually referred to as the visual arts, where a piece of work is judged through the aesthetics in which it creates. However, art refers to all human endeavors, including the product of oneÂ’s creative impulse. In other words, art does not have to be innovative to be good. I believe art is the communication of an idea, be it visual, musical, communicative or other. Art is the interplay between the conscious and unconscious part of our being, between what is real and what is an illusion; it is the voice of our soul through color and form in a constant search for connection with something beyond. I think of art as the bridge between our souls and the physical world. I see art as both an interaction between our…show more content…
  • Everybody, one time or the other, will fell as though they have been let down and disappointed by others, including the ones they love.
  • Those feelings would include loneliness, and the yearn for support and guidance. At many times, we get the support we need, but once in a while; we would be left alone in the world, having to fend off our miseries by ourselves. That is exactly what I had in mind when I was creating my piece of art. I wanted the girl to depict a helpless teenager, who is yearning for support because the world has shunned her away completely. This in fact, removes all the color and vibrancy in her life, leaving her world looking black and white. The reason why the girl in my drawing is looking down is due to disbelief. She is utterly shocked by how the people that she thought that she could count on have left her to fend for herself. She saw the dark side of things; the side she thought and wished never existed. I feel that conveying this message is important is because, it would be unhealthy to bottle up your feelings and emotions inside of you; and since it is difficult to express it in words, it could be best displayed in the form of art. I tried to make my artwork convey all of these messages, making sure that the morbidity of the piece is highlighted


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