I want a felicitation speech for school reopening
"It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you back to school and hope that you enjoyed good time on the days you were at home.As I can see all your faces shines which gives me the real picture of the good time you had their at home.
Your now back to school and we expect you to shine also in educational matters.We expect high standards of discipline and excellent performances in your class rooms.Be discipline and honor your teachers in class,make sure before the teacher ends the lesson you must have understood the topic of discussion if not let the teacher repeat it again.
I wish you all the best as you start your studies."
"Good morning to our respected Principal, teachers and all my fellow students. Now that our summer vacations are over, and I'm sure you all had a great time like me, it's time to join the school and continue with the routine. We all missed our school during the vacations, didn't we? So, let's pack our bags and get started with our school life. All the best to all".