I want a Halloween Drawing..
Not saying..
Asking..Plz help..
Spooky Orange Faces
OCTOBER 3, 2013 3
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Decorate some spooky-themed fruit snacks and add some Halloween to your fruit bowl.
Draw some Spooky Orange Faces to add some Halloween to your fruit bowl
As far as stories go, this one starts on a late September afternoon. Granny and Pop were visiting, and we were sitting outside eating some oranges. I’d just posted about our family of Orange Faces that JJ and I had drawn the week before, and a few readers had commented that they would be a good Halloween idea. And since I had a fresh bag of oranges just waiting to be decorated
use plastic bottle caps and orange paint to make pumpkins on a black sheet of paper . if you want you can also make designs on the pumpkins with black paint
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