I want a speech on career in about 500 words
“Do what you’re good at” is better, but still stupid. It gets things the wrong way around. For almost all activities, being “good at” something is the result of thousands of hours of practice and learning .In choosing a career, you’re almost always making the decision about what to become good at, not the other way around.
How, then, should you find a job you’ll love?
Here’s my slogan: “Do something valuable.”
Let the problems in the world dictate what you do, rather than forcing a preconceived checklist labeled “success,” to be your motivation. Do something that genuinely helps others and makes the world a better place in a major way. That’s the way to have a happy, fulfilled life.
When I tell people this, half think it’s crazy and half think it’s trivial. I think it’s neither. So here’s a three-part explanation.