English, asked by Jaismeen, 1 year ago

I want a speech on culture and music for class 9


Answered by manuuuu1
Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound and silence. The common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics (loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture (which are sometimes termed the "color" of a musical sound). Different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements. Music is performed with a vast range of instruments and with vocal techniques ranging from singing to rapping, and there are solely instrumental pieces, solely vocal pieces (such as songs without instrumental accompaniment) and pieces that combine singing and instruments. The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike; "art of the Muses").[1] In its most general form, the activities describing music as an art form include the production of works of music (songs, tunes, symphonies, and so on), the criticism of music, the study of the history of music, and the aesthetic examination of music. Ancient Greek and Indian philosophers defined music as tones ordered horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies. Common sayings such as "the harmony of the spheres" and "it is music to my ears" point to the notion that music is often ordered and pleasant to listen to. However, 20th-century composer John Cage thought that any sound can be music, saying, for example, "There is no noise, only sound."[2]

The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context. Indeed, throughout history, some new forms or styles of music have been criticized as "not being music", including Beethoven's Grosse Fuge string quartet in 1825,[3] early jazz in the beginning of the 1900s[4] and hardcore punk in the 1980s.[5] There are many types of music, including popular music, traditional music, art music, music written for religious ceremonies and work songs such as chanteys. Music ranges from strictly organized compositions–such as Classical music symphonies from the 1700s and 1800s, through to spontaneously played improvisational music such as jazz, and avant-garde styles of chance-based contemporary music from the 20th and 21st centuries.

Music can be divided into genres (e.g., country music) and genres can be further divided into subgenres (e.g., country blues and pop country are two of the many country subgenres), although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, sometimes open to personal interpretation, and occasionally controversial. For example, it can be hard to draw the line between some early 1980s hard rock and heavy metal. Within the arts, music may be classified as a performing art, a fine art or as an auditory art. Music may be played or sung and heard live at a rock concert or orchestra performance, heard live as part of a dramatic work (a music theater show or opera), or it may be recorded and listened to on a radio, MP3 player, CD player, Smartphone or as film score or TV show.

Jaismeen: Thank you
Answered by nih1


SPEECH on culture and music for 1 minute for ASL
ASK FOR DETAILS FOLLOW REPORT by hitanshiminiwala 10.10.2014

saniarisha Ace
so ,today's topic is music.the words looks very simple but this so called simple word has a great importance and work n our life.

i will not start with a quote ,instead i will start with a question.actually a very basic question:

what is culture?

culture is a sort of traditional trait.there are various types of culture.culture varies from place to place , religion to religion and people to people.

what is music?

let me explain the meaning of music with a few lines related slightly to physics.the sound which is pleasant to our ears is called music.music occurs mainly from regular vibrations.the medium of music is sound.some terms related to music are timbre , pitch , rhythm etc.

types of music:

there are many different types of music and they varies from different places and traditions.

* jazz music
* rock music
* pop music
* rap music
* classical music
and many more.....these were the names of the famous types of music.

significance of music:

music has a great significance n our daily life.some of us are very addicted to music and songs.some people prefer hearing to songs as the end of the day as they get peace from doing so.hearing to musics also helps us to keep our mind in rest and peace.

harmful effects of music:

hearing musics at a very loud volume causes noise pollution which is a very bad effect on the environment.it also causes headache and dizziness.when we listen to songs using headphone at a loud volume , them this may damage our ear's listening capability as well.


everything has its significance and harmful effects .like everything music has the same as well.it totally depends on us that how we are using them.so we should listen to musics at low volume but never stop listening to songs as it freshens and relaxes our mind.
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