English, asked by daname6va0lrekhanius, 1 year ago

I want an essay on "when i'm 64"?


Answered by upenderjoshi28
                                   When I am 64...!

When I am 64, I can do quite a many things! With all the post-retirement leisure, experience, resources, etc, I can do social service by involving dynamic, dedicated young people in teaching under privileged children. Our country requires 100% literacy rate along with more number of skilled workers and professionals to attain the goal of becoming an advanced nation. I can contribute a lot in this direction.

Being the second most populated country in the world, the number of illiterate poor people is staggeringly large. Alone governments can't do much! People will have to shoulder the responsibility of achieving the national goals. I can start by teaching a small number of children from underprivileged families living in my area. I can request my colony's Welfare Society's secretary to allow me to use the Society's building for 3 to 4 hours daily for holding basic literacy classes for the poor children. As the number grows, I can collect donations from my colony members to meet the financial needs of the school for the poor children. If the response is good, i.e. more and more poor students enroll, I can hire more teachers and apply for financial aid to state or central government. Thus I can open other similar branches at other places in the city.

The joys of poor children learning and becoming valuable citizens of my country will give me immense peace and true contentment. So I can do a lot in organizing resources and young people in teaching under-privileged when I am 64.

Answered by Anonymous






Secondary School

+5 pts


I want an essay on "when i'm 64"?



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Me · Beginner

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When I am 64 years old, I will have a lot of free time. I will like to interact with the young people in my neighbourhood. I will like to teach them some good things I know. Also, I will like that the young and intelligent people who have been fortunate enough to live well and educate themselves well, to help the underprivileged children. Obviously the first type of help that comes to mind is education. So I will like to seek for a group of underprivileged children. Then find out their ages and their educational requirements. Often teaching in local language is necessary. Perhaps I will buy some books and stationery needed. Also a blackboard too. Also I will use a computer that I have to connect to internet and show some videos or audios as needed for the lessons. We could use some community hall for this purpose or the school nearby.


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