English, asked by delhiparamhans, 4 months ago



Answered by AayushYadav07

2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x2 एक्स स्क्वायर प्लस 1 बराबर 33. value.of.x

Answered by Amrit111Raj82

We think persuasive writers — content marketers and copywriters — are as worthy of cheers and accolades as our fiction-writing brothers and sisters.

So today I put together a list of 15 writing blogs I think you’ll get a lot out of.

I got lots of great suggestions for blogs to check out (thank you all), and it was tough to narrow them down to a manageable few.

When winnowing down the list, I had a few rough criteria.

First, writing advice had to be a key element of the blog.

There are hundreds of terrific social media and business blogs, and they’re wonderful resources, but we wanted to focus on sites that would make you a better writer.

I defined better writer in two ways — either as “a writer who ethically and effectively convinces customers to buy more stuff” or “a writer who’s landing more and better clients.”

We also didn’t include the big “name brand” sites — we wanted to focus on some smaller sites you might not have seen yet. Not surprisingly, we’ve got a good sample of Copyblogger guest writers here, but also plenty of folks you haven’t seen here. (Not yet, anyway).

By the way, when you click through, notice how most of these blogs make great use of their tag lines to tell you exactly how they can help solve a specific problem. Smart copywriters.

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