English, asked by amjnshailesh, 5 days ago

I want my photograph to be taken,' I said. Everyday knows what a photographer is like. 'Sit there,' he said, 'and wait,' I waited an hour. I read the Ladies Companion for 1912, the Girl's Magzine for 1902, and the Infants' Journal for 1888. I began to see that I had done an impertinent thing in breaking in on the privacy of this man's scientific pursuit with a face like miner.

After an hour the photographer opened an inner door. 'Come in,' he said severely. I went into the studio. 'Sit down.' said the photographer, I sat down in a beam of sunlight filtered through a sheet of factory cotton hung against afrosted window.
The photographer rolled a machine in to the middle of the room and crawled into it from a behind. He was only in a second - just time enough for one look at me - and then he was out again tearing at the cotton sheet and the window panes with a hooked stick, apparently frantic for light and air. Then he crawled back in to the machine again and drew a little black cloth over himself. This time he was very quiet in there. I knew that he was praying and kept still. When the photographer came out at last, he looked very grave and shook his head.
The face is quite wrong,' he said.
I know,' I answered quielty, 'I have always known'.
He sighed.
I think,' he said, 'the face would be better three quarters full."
I'm sure it would be,' I said enthusiastically, for I was glad to find that the man had such a human side to him. "So would yours.' In fact I continued, 'how many faces one sees that are apparently hard, narrow, limited, but the minute you get the three-quarters full they get wide, large, almost boundless in But the photographer ceased to listen. He come over and took my head in his hand and twisted it in sideways. I thought he meant to kiss me, and I
closed my eyes But I was wrong.
He twisted my face as far as it would go and then stood looking at it. He sighed again
'I don't like the head,' he said. Then he went back to the machine and took another look.
"Open the mouth a little," he said.
I started to do so.

Write the meaning of the following from the extract.
1) excited interest -
2) irrelevant -
3) In state of panic or rush -
4) Deep prolonged audible inhale -​


Answered by harshikarathore499


thatis too bigg

Answered by rohitpandhare06


1) enthusiasm

2) impertinent

3) frantic


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