i want questions for survey on "EDUCATION IS THE VEHICLE OF A SOCIAL CHANGE"
Survey questions -
How many people are educated in your family?
Who is the most educated person in your family?
Is anyone in your family currently pursuing higher studies?
Do you support the RTE (Right To Education) Act which provides 25% seats to poor children in school?
What steps do you suggest to include weaker sections of society in our education system?
Education can initiate social change by bringing about a change in the outlook and attitudes of man. It can bring about a change in the pattern of social relationship and thereby it may cause social changes.
One of the purposes of education is to change man and his life and living style. To change man is to change society only. Education has brought about phenomenal changes in every aspect of man’s life. J. Brown remarks that education is a process which brings about changes in the behaviour of society.
Education has contributed to a radical improvement in the status of women. In most developing countries education is regarded as “the gateway to an improved social position.” Hence, Education is the vehicle of a social change.