I want these answers urgently
1) HTML tags represent individual element of webbpage. There are two typeod of tag
a)closed tags/paired tags
b)empty tags
2)The text of title tag is displayed on the tab of the browser
3)Follow below steps to create simple HTML document
a) open text editor
b)write below code in it
c) save it as .html wherever you want.
5) To display our html document in web browser we can simply double click on it
or we can also drag and drop that html document on we browser window
6) There are 6 different levels of html heading
7)if you will forget to add slash in header tag then you may see some
unexpected layout/design/behaviour of your webpage
8)<br> is the html tag for line break
9)we can see changes of our webpage by refreshing web browser
10) <hr> tag is used to add horizontal line on webpage and do add meaning that
below content of hr tag is not directly related to above it.
11) both are used to show data in manner of list... but ordered list will add number, alpabets etc
in front of items whereas unorderlist will add bullets in fromt of its items.
12) definition list is used to define a term and it's description..
Question 1. What are HTML Tags? → HTML Tags are a piece of HTML code that tells a browser what to show and how to show. Web Pages can't be created without the use of HTML tags. Some examples of tags are <br /> etc.....
Question 2. Where is the text of the title tag displayed? → The text of the title tag is displayed on the title bar of the web-browser, or in a tabbed browser, on the tabs.
Question 3. What steps are involved in creating of a simple HTML document? → Follow below steps to create simple HTML document
a) open text editor
b)write below code in it <html><head></head><body></body></html>
c) save it as .html wherever you want and run it...
Question 4. How do you create a comment tag? → This is an example of a comment tag: !-- comment --!> .........
Question 5. How can we open .html file in a web browser? → Double-click the .html file icon to open it.
Question 6. What are the different heading levels in a html document? → Following are the different heading levels in a html document:
lt;h1> , <h2> , <h3> , <h4> , <h5> , AND <h6> .
Question 7. What will happen if you forget a slash (/) at the end of the head tag? → If you will forget to add slash in header tag then you may see some unexpected layout/design/behavior in your web-page.
Question 8. What is html tag for a line break? → <br />
Question 9. How to view changes in a web--browser? → We can see changes of our web page by saving the file in the text editor and then refreshing the web browser.
Question 10. What is the use of hr & br tags? → The hr tag is used to draw a horizontal line in the web page and br tag is used to add a new line. They both are open tags.
Question 11. Differ b/w ordered & unordered list. → They both are used to show data in manner of list... but ordered list will add number, alphabets etc... in front of items whereas unordered list will add bullets in front of its items.
Question 12. Use of definition list. → Definition list is used to list a term and give it's description..