Biology, asked by mega, 1 year ago

i want to know why viruses do not live like a living organism outside a living organism and only reproduce when they are inside a living organism

Apoorva17: Mark it the best ...plz


Answered by Anonymous
viruses do not live like a living organism outside a living organism and only reproduce when they are inside a living organism because there body functions works  like that.

Anonymous: mark as the best answer plzzzzzzzz
shivangipatel27: viruses are devoid of either dna or rna. To synthesize the lacking nucleic acid they are dependent on the host and that is why cant survive independently.
Answered by Apoorva17
Their body structure is such that they are able to rrproduce only when they are indide the host organism, which can be any bacterium, plant or animal...

Apoorva17: Mark it the best.plz
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