I was---beside----------------- myself with joy when i heard the wonderful news.( use preposition)
The given sentence is absolutely right. However, it should be written as shown below:
I was beside myself with joy when i heard the wonderful news.
Beside yourself is an idiom. It means unable to control yourself because of the emotion you are feeling.
'Beside yourself' is usually followed by preposition 'with' + a Noun referring to feeling/emotion (joy, happiness, etc.)
"The given question requires you to fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition. A preposition is a word that is followed by a noun or a describing word.
Some examples of words that are used as prepositions are for, with, after, on, and before. Many such words are used to connect different parts of a sentence.
Therefore, in this case, the suitable preposition would be ‘WITH’. The sentence would then change to ‘I was beside with myself with joy when I heard the wonderful news.’ ""